Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sequencing IBM SPSS Amos 21

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6 SP1
OS : Win7(x64)

- .Net Framework 4.0

Issue : 1 ) "Amos Graphics" shortcut launches fine, but when we try to access File->Browse Path Diagrams we get the below following error:

2)  "Text Output" shortcut throws the below following window when a html file is opened.

Solution : The application source media when installed on Win7 64 bit OS has the similar problem as the above two modules are not supported on a 64 bit machine. The best solution is to Sequence the application on a WinXP machine and then publish on a Win 7 64 bit machine. All modules work fine with this solution :-).

Note : If the Prerequisites is not present on the client machine then you may end up in getting terminology.xml not found error.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Pavan,

    i've tried your solution and i can say ... it doesn't work.

    Error message inside Text output with XP-Sequencer is the same as on a W7x64-Sequencer.

    The program never accept an extension .AmosOutput.
